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undisturbed sample中文是什么意思

用"undisturbed sample"造句"undisturbed sample"怎么读"undisturbed sample" in a sentence


  • 不扰动土壤
  • 不扰动土样
  • 未扰动的样品
  • 未扰动试样
  • 未扰动样品
  • 原状试样
  • 原状土试样
  • 原状样品,原状土样


  • Based on a series of laboratory tests with undisturbed samples obtained from nansha of guangzhou , including triaxial compression test , triaxial creep test and one dimensional compression test , creep deformation characteristics of soft soils were researched
  • That is to say , there are differences in selecting the points which represent the average compactive effect of soil between piles . based on cavity expansion method , the stress change of soil between piles when sinking pile is studied with elasto - plasticity theory . the triaxial compression tests of undisturbed samples are carried our in laboratory
  • Abstract : in this paper , on the basis of three drill holes and forty - two buckets undisturbed samples of life rubbish in the sanitary fill field of tianziling , hangzhou , china , the tests to determine its composition , physical properties and organic content as well as triaxial compression test had been accomplished . the conclusions of this paper can be applied to the stability analysis and deformation calculation of the sanitary to use it as the building foundation
用"undisturbed sample"造句  
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